We're testing a novel design for tactile environmental feedback that helps our robots adapt their gaits to difficult terrain in real time.
Complex Terrain Navigation
Our robot's multilegged, morphologically redundant locomotion scheme provides robust movement over complex terrain found in specialty agriculture.
Low Profile
Our robot's low profile allows access to tight spaces and where plants need care most.
AI-Driven Weed Identification
Our robot uses AI-driven algorithms to correctly distinguish weeds from crops.
Targeted Herbicide Delivery and Weed Removal
Our robot can either deliver herbicide directly to the weed, or remove the weed mechanically.
Multilegged Gaits
Superimposed body and limb-stepping waves allow our robot to locomote smoothly over complex terrain.
Fall Recovery
Whole-body coordination enables smooth fall recovery.
Low Profile
Low robot profile enables direct access to where plants need care most.